
Why should I get Invisalign?

Before & After Dental Crowns | Century Smile Dental Practice | Culver City, CA

Contrary to what the slick marketing campaigns will tell you, Invisalign is not all about vanity. Here are some reasons why to Get Invisalign That Have Nothing to Do With Looks.
1. A Good Bite – this is what orthodontics and braces were invented for – not to give you a pretty smile, as you may have been told, rather, to improve your overall health and live without pain.
2. Proper positioning of the lower jaw in relation to the upper jaw.
3. Better digestion by more efficient chewing and breakdown of food particles in the mouth.
4. Proper tooth positioning leads to better bone architecture and gum positioning, which promotes a self-maintaining mode for oral health.
5. Invisalign aligners can fix facial, jaw, and neck pain.
6. Misaligned teeth suffer from food impaction and make it more difficult to brush and floss properly.
7. Speech and phonetics – better speech and pronunciation.
8. And of course, Aesthetics!
Improvement in aesthetics is icing on the cake!

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